
Monday, April 22, 2013

Goings on

What's been going on lately? Surprise, surprise! I've been working tirelessly and with all the tired, I haven't had much time left over for much else besides sleep. Not even laundry. I have no clean pants… which is upsetting. But I have been doing a lot of brainstorming about what's next for the store. I have a few more graphic design type ideas and a few more watercolors too! Get excited! And you know what's even more exciting?! Not having to work 3 twelve hour days back to back to back so I actually get to spend some time putting paintbrush to paper and fingers to computer!

Besides that, I am still working on finishing the book I've been reading. But now I added The Great Gatsby into the mix as well. I read it in high school and remembered loving it. Plus I saw the trailer for it when I went to go see the movie 42 (worth seeing!) with a friend and felt inspired to go read it again before watching the movie (which looks fantastic).

On Thursday I get to go up to Driggs, Idaho to drop some gear off for a base up there and you know what that means?! Mini-vacation! So excited to get away for a few days and to share all my pictures with you when I get back! Hope everyone is off doing good things and having a grand ole time doing it!

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