
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Reason to get up in the morning: slackline

I've been bummed the past few days for multiple reasons so coming up with a reason to get out of bed is hard for this week. You know the feeling: when nothing seems to be going right. I've been waiting for over a month now for a loan to go through so I can pay for school. I've also been waiting for an obnoxiously long time to hear back about some new jobs… a girl can only be so aggressive before it comes out looking like neediness… I spent a majority of my free time embroidering this week. Yesterday I had a day off and spent a few hours working on my project, and with all that working I found myself inside my head quite a bit… bumming myself out. Loan, jobs, not being home (biggest bummer), too hot to have an afternoon of fun in the sun without passing out…

With all that bumming, I picked myself up and forced myself outside into the hot desert sun to do a little slacklining. And that is what my reason to get out of bed in the morning is this week: slacklining. It sounds funny and SUPER CORNY, but when you are working so hard to balance yourself on a line, it becomes easier to balance everything else too. I took my phone back to the cabin and left it there halfway through playing: what good is voicemail if I don't use it, right? I know chances are I will get the loan and maybe if I am lucky I will land another dream job, but freaking out about it and carrying my phone everywhere doesn't help the stress of waiting for emails or calls. Checking instagram and making myself sad when friends and family post pictures of Leelanau doesn't help much either.

So for the hour or so I played on my slackline, I found some much needed balance. Instead of spending the rest of the afternoon on my phone, I spent a good while wrestling with Rufio in a nice shady spot. Balance.

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